20th Anniversary Gala & Silent Auction
Thursday, September 30, 2021 | 6:30pm - 8:00pm CDT
Virtual Celebration
20th Anniversary
Gala and Silent Auction
An Evening for All Who Dare to Believe
Alliance for Greater Works celebrates 20 years of being
Rooted in Service, Committed to Equity.
Join us as we celebrate 20 years of service, 20 years of collaboration, 20 years of working for the greater good of all.
Keynote Speaker,
Dr. Michelle Ami Reyes
Dr. Michelle Ami Reyes, activist, speaker and author on faith, culture, and justice, will be the evening’s keynote speaker.
To learn more about our organization and to hear a special message from Sherrye Willis, our Founder and President, view the video below:
Consider Sponsoring this Event!
Sponsorship Opportunities
To learn more about 20th Anniversary Gala & Silent Auction Sponsorship Opportunities, please contact Sativa Leach at sleach@alliancetx.org.
Will you partner with Alliance? Through our two signature programs: Resilient Church Collective and Women’s Executive Leadership Program for Systemic Change, we invite you to partner with us as we disrupt the status quo and dismantle the root causes of injustices in marginalized communities.
This sponsorship packet outlines the opportunities for you to serve as a partner and join us at our 20th Year Anniversary virtual Gala & Silent Auction.
Change Agent
- One scholarship for the Women’s Executive Leadership Program for Systemic Change
- One hosted virtual branded Leadership Luncheon for the Women’s Executive Leadership Program
- 90-day membership to Alliance University – Premier online leadership & nonprofit competency-building library
- 30 second infomercial promotion during all 2021 events
- 20 complimentary tickets to the September 30 Gala
- Recognition on website and virtual signage
- Social media and press release recognition
- 60-day membership to Alliance University – Premier online leadership & nonprofit competency-building library
- 15 second infomercial promotion during all 2021 events
- 10 complimentary tickets to the September 30 Gala
- Recognition on website and virtual signage
- Social media and press release recognition
- 30-day membership to Alliance University – Premier online leadership & nonprofit competency-building library
- 4 complimentary tickets to the September 30 Gala
- Recognition on website and virtual signage
- Social media and press release recognition
- 15-day membership to Alliance University – Premier online leadership & nonprofit competency-building library
- 2 complimentary tickets to the September 30 Gala
- Recognition on website and virtual signage
- Social media and press release recognition
- Any donation with a derivative of 20 (e.g., $200, 120, 60, 40)
- 1 complimentary ticket to the September 30 Gala
- Recognition on the website