A new year always brings new dreams, visions and goals and 2020 was no exception. We began this year with excitement and anticipation of new opportunities. It wasn’t until mid-March that we realized this year would be different. The spread of COVID19 and the subsequent shelter-in-place order were the first indicators that 2020 would be an unprecedented year. As fears increased—fear of contracting Coronavirus, fear of an economic recession, fear of racial and social injustices, fear of peaceful protests turning into riots, and fear of children learning virtually—adjusting to rapid change has become the new normal!
As we enter the Holiday Season, many are trying to create a sense of normalcy. We’re already preparing our menus and our families to celebrate Thanksgiving. However, giving thanks is not a once-a-year occurrence. We should live our lives with an attitude of gratitude. Research proves gratitude, or giving thanks, deceases blood pressure, improves self-esteem, increases sleep quality, helps develop a strong immune system, reduces stress, helps manage stress, reduces negative emotions while increasing positive emotions, just to name a few. Scripture tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
Even in a year of great loss and pain, giving thanks can redirect us and help us focus what is most important. Giving thanks acknowledges God for being consistent in an inconsistent world. Giving thanks makes room for more. As you prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving this month, be intentional about giving thanks for the “little” things, the “big” things, everything! In everything give thanks.