On September 29, 2020, Alliance for Grater Works™ concluded our seven-part Town Hall Series with our final Town Hall of 2020, “From Protest to Policy: System Change at the Grassroots Level.” Since June of this year, we have witnessed a surge in protests around the country, and around the world, in response to continued racial injustice and inequality. Historically protesting has played a major role in creating change, whether it was the Montgomery Bus Boycott or the United Farm Workers Protest.
The purpose of this Town Hall was to provide our audience the necessary tools to turn their passion for protests into effective policy changes. Each panelist shared knowledge in the areas of voting rights, the history and success of protests, as well as the significance of the 2020 Census. And although voter suppression is real, an informed voter will be a successful voter.
Our panelists included Reverend Robin Murray, a Community Organizer at Faith in Texas; Lorette Picciano, an Executive Director of the Rural Coalition; Crystal Viagran, the Director of Finance and Operations for the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health; and Dr. Gregory J. Vincent, Professor and Executive Director of the Education and Civil Rights Initiative at the University of Kentucky. Dr. Clayborne Carson, who is the Martin Luther King, Jr., Centennial Professor of History and Ronnie Lott Founding Director of the Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute, contributed to the conversation as well.
While this concludes our Town Hall Series, our work is just beginning. Protests are still underway, and the systematic changes needed to achieve liberty and justice for all require each of us to participate in the process. Grassroots change is the foundation for systematic change. Hopefully, you will adopt strategies from this Town Hall to create the change you want to see.
By: Christie Dobbins
Community Engagement Specialist
Alliance for Greater Works