Cheryl Williams

The Honorable Cheryl Williams

Board Chairwoman
Municipal Judge, City of Dallas

Terez Smith

Ms. Terez Smith

Board Secretary/Treasurer
Director of Finance, U&I Spread The Light

Sandra Bowie

Ms. Sandra Bowie

Community Engagement Lead, Dallas Convention Center

Euralonda Baptist Gates

Ms. Euralonda Baptist Gates

Sensory & Consumer Product Insights Panel Manager, PepsiCo

Cassandra Greenfield

Mrs. Cassandra Greenfield

President, The Greenfield Group, Corp

Corey Maples

Mr. Corey Maples

Owner, Paiton’s Place Family Services
Owner, Wingfield’s Breakfast & Burger

Satrina Reid

Mrs. Satrina Reid

Program Manager, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

Dr Ricky Walter

Dr. Ricky Walter

Founder and Pastor, Lifeline Fellowship Family Church
Founder and CEO, Lifeline Children and Family Services, Inc.

Sherrye Willis

Mrs. Sherrye Willis

Founder and President, Alliance for Greater Works™